Mobile: +39 340 3037006
Telephone: +39 0584 79 45 04
Via Primo Maggio, 1A 55045 Pietrasanta, Lucca, Italia.
After paying the toll take a left around the roundabout in the direction of Pietrasanta. You are now travelling on the Via Unità d’Italia.You will now reach another roundabout, take the 3rd exit indications for Pietrasanta. You are now on the Viale Apua, a tree lined avenue. Proceed on the road to the traffic lights, here take a left turn carry on this road- Via I Maggio for approximately 300 meters our offices are on the right hand side just before reaching the next roundabout.
Pietrasanta also has a railway station, this is an obligatory stop for all local trains (with the exception of two regional trains), Pietrasanta is also reachable with two intercity trains (1533-1534 “Maremma”).
From the airport railway line various regional trains take you to Pisa central station, where around every thirty minutes during daytime on weekdays there is a train that stops at Pietrasanta. When you arrive at Pietrasanta station, take the exit that leads you through the subway towards the bus station and carry on to the main road you can see, this is the Via Aurelia , cross the road to the cycle path and turn right and proceed to the roundabout just after the Coop supermarket. At the roundabout carry on down the cycle path bearing left onto the Via Primo Maggio, you can already see our offices from the roundabout.
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